Wisconsin Townships | Waushara County | Aurora Township
Aurora Township WI Commercial Property for Sale
Aurora Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin with the smaller north part of Berlin in it and the southern larger part in Green Lake County. Most of this area is large acreages except for properties around Fox River and Mill Pond. There are a lot of wetlands and drainage ditches cutting through the country side. Besides the park / boat launch at Mill Pond there isn’t much for public land in this area. On the east side of the pond is a small town called Auroraville. There is how ever a good side intersection formed by State Highway 21 & 49 with some commercial properties on the corners. In this area you’ll find lots of lowlands, farmlands with some scatted batches of woods.
On this page you'll find real estate like Commercial Properties, Bars & Grills, Churches, Restaurants, Shops, Garages, Lots, Vacant Land, Campgrounds, Businesses for Sale, Motels, Hotels, Office Buildings, Storage Units, Churches for sale, Gas Stations, Warehouses and more...
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Aurora Township, Wisconsin Commercial Property for Sale
Wisconsin Townships | Waushara County | Aurora Township
Aurora Township WI Multi-Family Homes for Sale
Aurora Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin with the smaller north part of Berlin in it and the southern larger part in Green Lake County. Most of this area is large acreages except for properties around Fox River and Mill Pond. There are a lot of wetlands and drainage ditches cutting through the country side. Besides the park / boat launch at Mill Pond there isn’t much for public land in this area. On the east side of the pond is a small town called Auroraville. There is how ever a good side intersection formed by State Highway 21 & 49 with some commercial properties on the corners. In this area you’ll find lots of lowlands, farmlands with some scatted batches of woods.
On this page you'll find real estate like Duplex, Townhouses, Side-by-Side Houses, Apartment Building, Multi-Family Housing, Two Three & Four Flat Housing, Triplex, Quadraplex, Townhomes and more...
Cities, Towns and Villages
- Berlin (part of it)
- Auroraville
Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
- Willow Creek - trout stream
- Mill Pond
- Fox River
- Barns Creek
- Drainage Ditches
- Unnamed Creeks
Public Land & Features for the Area
- There are a couple Boat Launches on the Fox River
- Mills Pond Boat Launch & Otto Brey Park
- Berlin Airfield
- Broken Prop Airfield
- Mill Pond Boat Launch
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Real Estate – Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property
Aurora Township, Wisconsin Multi-Family Homes for Sale
Wisconsin Townships | Waushara County | Aurora Township
Aurora Township WI Condos for Sale
Aurora Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin with the smaller north part of Berlin in it and the southern larger part in Green Lake County. Most of this area is large acreages except for properties around Fox River and Mill Pond. There are a lot of wetlands and drainage ditches cutting through the country side. Besides the park / boat launch at Mill Pond there isn’t much for public land in this area. On the east side of the pond is a small town called Auroraville. There is how ever a good side intersection formed by State Highway 21 & 49 with some commercial properties on the corners. In this area you’ll find lots of lowlands, farmlands with some scatted batches of woods.
On this page you'll find real estate like Luxury Condominiums, Riverfront Condos, Private, Penthouses, Apartment Houses, Waterfront Condos, Deeded Access, Waterview and more...
Cities, Towns and Villages
- Berlin (part of it)
- Auroraville
Developments and Subdivision
- Aurora
- Ervin Erlich
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Real Estate – Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property
Aurora Township, Wisconsin Condos for Sale
Wisconsin Townships | Waushara County | Poy Sippi Township
Poy Sippi Township WI Real Estate for Sale
Poy Sippi Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin home to Poy Sippi, a small town with the west side of Poygan Lake which is one of Wisconsin Largest lakes. This area has mostly wetlands and farm fields with a large part open to the public via Poygan Marsh Wildlife Area along the west side of Poygan Lake. Because of all the lowlands in Poy Sippi Township, there are large parcels of land lots of 40s, 80s and 100+ land plots. Unlike most other townships in Waushara County, there are no class trout streams, but it has thousands of acres of public land nearby at Poygan Marsh Wildlife Area offering; birding, canoeing, hiking, trapping, foraging wild edibles, wildlife viewing and hunting for waterfowl, deer, coyotes, small games, etc…
On this page you'll find real estate like Vacant Lot, Log Homes, Hunting Acreage, Waterfront Lots, Lakefront Cottages, Mobile Homes, Double Wides, Farmland, Farms, Camping Sites, Building Sites, Condominiums, Rustic Hunting Cabins, Creek Frontage and more...
Land for Sale
Condos for Sale
Multi-Family Housing
Commercial Property
Cities, Towns and Villages
- Poy Sippi
- Borth
Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
- Lake Poygan (only a small part of it)
- Pine River
- Willow Creek
- Pumpkinseed Creek
- There are lots of Drainage Ditches
- Several Unnamed Creeks
Public Land & Features for the Area
- Statewide Public Access
- Poygan Marsh Wildlife Area
- Extensive Wildlife Habitat
Developments and Subdivision
- Moffatt & Deweys
- Agnes Grinnell
- Welsh’s Lake Poygan
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Real Estate – Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property
Poy Sippi Township, Wisconsin Real Estate for Sale
Wisconsin Townships | Waushara County | Plainfield Township
Plainfield Township WI Real Estate for Sale
Plainfield Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin home to Plainfield, the town right by I – 39 / 51 with State Highway 73 cutting through. This area is mostly large farm fields with just a little bit of public land named Big Roche-A-Cri Creek Fishery Area with Big Roche-A-Cri Creek class trout stream flowing through it. You can hunt, fish for trout, hike and enjoy some wildlife viewing on this public land. Plainfield has some light shopping with a store, café, bowling alley, bars / grills, a phone company and other small businesses. Plainfield Township borders Portage County to the north and Adams County to the west.
On this page you'll find real estate like Vacant Lot, Log Homes, Hunting Acreage, Waterfront Lots, Lakefront Cottages, Mobile Homes, Double Wides, Farmland, Farms, Camping Sites, Building Sites, Condominiums, Rustic Hunting Cabins, Creek Frontage and more...
Land for Sale
Condos for Sale
Multi-Family Housing
Commercial Property
Cities, Towns and Villages
Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
- Sand Lake – Looks to be mostly a Private Lake.
- Big Roche-A-Cri Creek – class trout stream
Public Land & Features for the Area
- Big Roche-A-Cri Fishery Area (part in Waushara County the rest is in Adams Cty)
Developments and Subdivision
- Harmony Acres
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Real Estate – Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property