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Redgranite WI 54970
Redgranite WI 54970 is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin in 3 different townships mainly in Warren Township but also Leon Township and Marion Township. This area features Redgranite Quarry Lake, Willow Creek Fishery Areas, Pearl Lake, Willow Creek Park, Lake Alpine, Public Land, Trout Streams, Public Hunting Grounds, Lite Shopping, Restaurants, Alpine County Park, Bannerman Snowmobile / Hiking Trails and much more… The general area is mostly wooded with some wetlands and agriculture farming cropland with trout waters winding through the country side. The Village of Redgranite is a smaller community with a population a little over 2,100 and it's known for the Correctional Institution.
Village of Regranite
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Redgranite Map
The Dells Quick Facts
- Waushara County in Warren Township, Leon Township and Marion Township.
- Area: 2.3 sq. miles
- General Size of City – Around 2,100+ people according to United States Census Bureau.
- Main Area Waters – Redgranite Quarry, Willow Creek Trout Stream, Pearl Lake, Auroraville Millpond, Lake Alpine and Cedar Springs Creek.
- Area Features: Schools, Post Office, Banks, Shopping, Churches, Bars, Cafes, Gas Stations, Snowmobiling, Campgrounds, Water Parks, Gift Shops, Health Care, Public Land,
- Known for Redgranite Quarry hotspot for Swimming, Diving and Sunbathing.
- Area Terrain – Mostly Wooded, Flatter Terrain, Wetlands and Farm Fields with creeks running through the area…
- Area Code - 920
- Zip Code - 54970
- Access
- State Highway 21
- County Road – E, EE, N & S
- School District – Wautoma
- Classified as a Village
- History – Founded in ??? but The Post Office has been operating since 1897.
Nearby Villages, Towns and Cities
- Bannerman
- Lohrville
Nearby Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
- Willow Creek – trout stream
- Jordans Lake – PRIVATE LAKE
- Redgranite Quarry
- Lorville Quarry
- Mill Pond (only part of it)
- White River
- Sucker Creek – trout stream
- Spring Creek
- Spring Lake
- Hidden Springs Lake
- Cedar Springs Lake
- Katy Lake
- Lake Lucerne
- Deer Lake
- Hills Lake
- Silver Lake
- Irogami Lake
- Alpine Lake
- Bruce Creek – trout stream
- Thorstead Creek – trout stream
- Little Lunch Creek
- Also Un-named Creeks and Ditches
- Willow Creek Fishery Area
- Buzzards Roost Airfield
- Harju Airfield
- REM- Thorstead Creek (REM means Remnant)
- White River Marsh Wildlife Area (only 10 acres of it with most of the Wildlife Area in Marquette County)
- Irogmi Lake Boat Launches
- Alpine County Park
- Silver Lake Boat Launches
- Hill Lake Boat Launch
- Lake Lucerne Boat Launch
- Spring Lake Boat Launches
- Alpine Boat Launch
- County Park
- Spring Creek Airfield
Redgranite Parks
- Veteran's Memorial Park
- East Side Park
- Willow Creek Park
Warren Township WI
Warren Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin home to the towns of Lohrville and Redgranite. This area has a lot of wetlands with drainage ditches, unnamed creeks, Willow Creek trout stream flowing through it with Willow Creek Fishery Area which is open to the public for hunting and fishing. Part of Mill Pond is in the township which is fed by Willow Creek. There are two manmade lakes: Redgranite Quarry and Lohrville Quarry both within the city/village limits; there is one more body of water called Jordans Lake which is privately owned. Because of the wetter soils most of the land parcels are larger hunting acreages known for Whitetail Deer, Wild Turkey, Waterfowl and lots of small game. There are no Boat Landings in Warrens Township. The main artery for this area is State Highway 21 but there are some County Roads including F, E, N and EE.
Marion Township WI
Marion Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin just east of Lohrville which just touches into the township. This area has a good mix of smaller acreage, larger acreage, woods, fields, lakes and trout streams but not a lot of public land besides REM-Thorstead Creek (REM means Remnant), small section of Willow Creek Fishery Area and just a tiny part of White River Wildlife Area about 10 acres. In the area are several boat launches that give public access to the local lakes some walk-in, some driving and some with parking lots or road side parking. This township has a lot more smaller sized parcels, subdivision and lake front communities than the other southern townships along the Marquette County border. There is State Highway 21 & 73 plus 5 County road winding through the area.
Leon Township WI
Leon Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin home to Pine River Village. This area has lots of woods with some smaller farm fields with some wetlands in the southeast corner of the township. The main public lands offer access to trout fishing creeks like Pine River System Fishery, Remnant Little Silver Creek, Remnant Pine River, Cedar Creek Fishery Area and Willow Creek Fishery Area. Leon Township has just a hand full of small lakes including Middle Lake, Taylor Lake and Pearl Lake – sign by the lake reads “Welcome to Pearl Lake Central Wisconsin’s Cleanest, Clearest Lake”.
Waushara County WI
Waushara County, WI is located between Adams and Waupaca in the central part of the state along Lake Poygan. Waushara is known for its farming, Amish communities, boating, fishing, hunting, biking, hiking, arts, culture, golfing, rolling terrain, spring fed lakes, parks, public lake, wildlife, bird watching, snowmobiling, skiing, ice skating which also has Plainfield Tunnel Channel Lakes State Natural Area, Ice Age Trail, Greenwood State Wildlife Refuge, Mecan Springs, State Natural Area, Upper Fox Headwaters State Natural Area, Lunch Creek Wetlands State Natural Area, Silver Lake, Irogami Lake, Mecan River plus a couple communities including; Plainfield, Coloma, Richford, Spring Lake, Redgranite, Wild Rose, Saxeville, Poy Sippi and Wautoma. It's surrounded by 6 other Counties; Portage, Waupaca, Winnebago, Green Lake, Marquette and Adams. On this page you'll find links for more detail information including tourism, things to do, places to go, visitor information, sporting events, lakes, rustic roads, farmers markets, parks, camping, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, ATVing, outdoor recreation and more… Waushara County has 18 Townships.
Nearby Counties: Adams, Marquette, Portage, Waupaca, Winnebago, Green Lake and Juneau.
Related Links: - Village of Redgranite - Regranite Correctional Institution
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Redgranite Wisconsin 54970
Area Information | More Wisconsin Villages, Towns & Cities
Berlin WI 54923
Berlin WI 54923 is located in Waushara County, in Aurora Township and Green Lake County in Berlin Township, Central Wisconsin. This area features Fox River, Serveral Town Parks, River Side Park, Mascouin Golf Club, Berlin Fen State Natural Area, Public Land, Trout Streams, Public Hunting Grounds, Shopping, Restaurants, Schools, Willow Creek Fishery Area, White River Marsh Wildlife Area, REM Fox River Eureka Locks, Koro Railroad Priarie SNA and much more… The general area is mostly farmland with wetlands and some woods with the Fox River winding through the country side. The City of Berlin is a midsize community with a population a little over 5,500 and it's home to the school district and a branch of Girl Scouts of America.
City of Berlin
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Berlin Map
City of Berlin Quick Facts
- Waushara County in Aurora Township and Green Lake County in Berlin Township.
- Area: 6.4 sq. miles
- General Size of City – Around 5,500+ people according to United States Census Bureau.
- Main Area Waters – Fox River, Willow Creek Trout Stream, Auroraville Millpond, Barns Creek, Green Lake, Rush Lake and Lake Poygan
- Area Features: Schools, Post Office, Banks, Shopping, Churches, Bars, Cafes, Gas Stations, Snowmobiling, Campgrounds, Water Parks, Gift Shops, Health Care, Public Land,
- Known for the Area Shopping Center, Town Parks and the Wisconsin River plus the Clock Tower on Main Street.
- Area Terrain – Mostly Farmland, Flatter Terrain, Wetlands and some Woods / Forest with Fox River running through the area…
- Area Code - 920
- Zip Code - 54923
- Access
- State Highway 49 & 91
- County Road – X, XX & F
- School District – Berlin
- Classified as a City
- History – Founded in 1857 and the Post Office started operations in 1848.
Nearby Villages, Towns and Cities
- Ripon
- Green Lake
- Princeton
- Wautoma
- Redgranite
- Poy Sippi
- Omro
Nearby Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Trout Streams
- Willow Creek - trout stream
- Mill Pond
- Fox River
- Barns Creek
- Drainage Ditches
- Unnamed Creeks
- Green Lake
- Rush Lake
- Lake Poygan
- There are a couple Boat Launches on the Fox River
- Mills Pond Boat Launch & Otto Brey Park
- Berlin Airfield
- Broken Prop Airfield
- Mill Pond Boat Launch
- Willow Creek Fishery Area
- White River Marsh Wildlife Area
- Upper Fox River Public Access
- Berlin Fen State Natural Area
- REM-Fox River Eureka Locks
- Koro Railroad Prairie State Natural Area
Parks -
- Riverside Park
- Nathan Strong Park
- Forsyth Park
- Longcroft Park
- Firefighter's Park
- Volunteer Park
- Mound Street Park
- Berlin Locks
Aurora Township WI
Aurora Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin with the smaller north part of Berlin in it and the southern larger part in Green Lake County. Most of this area is large acreages except for properties around Fox River and Mill Pond. There are a lot of wetlands and drainage ditches cutting through the country side. Besides the park / boat launch at Mill Pond there isn’t much for public land in this area. On the east side of the pond is a small town called Auroraville. There is how ever a good side intersection formed by State Highway 21 & 49 with some commercial properties on the corners. In this area you’ll find lots of lowlands, farmlands with some scatted batches of woods.
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Waushara County WI
Waushara County, WI is located between Adams and Waupaca in the central part of the state along Lake Poygan. Waushara is known for its farming, Amish communities, boating, fishing, hunting, biking, hiking, arts, culture, golfing, rolling terrain, spring fed lakes, parks, public lake, wildlife, bird watching, snowmobiling, skiing, ice skating which also has Plainfield Tunnel Channel Lakes State Natural Area, Ice Age Trail, Greenwood State Wildlife Refuge, Mecan Springs, State Natural Area, Upper Fox Headwaters State Natural Area, Lunch Creek Wetlands State Natural Area, Silver Lake, Irogami Lake, Mecan River plus a couple communities including; Plainfield, Coloma, Richford, Spring Lake, Redgranite, Wild Rose, Saxeville, Poy Sippi and Wautoma. It's surrounded by 6 other Counties; Portage, Waupaca, Winnebago, Green Lake, Marquette and Adams. On this page you'll find links for more detail information including tourism, things to do, places to go, visitor information, sporting events, lakes, rustic roads, farmers markets, parks, camping, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, ATVing, outdoor recreation and more… Waushara County has 18 Townships.
Nearby Counties: Adams, Marquette, Portage, Waupaca, Winnebago, Green Lake and Juneau.
Related Links: - Berlin Chamber of Commerce - Berlin Area School District - City Website
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Berlin Wisconsin 54923
Area Information - Wisconsin Communities - Juneau County > Townships
Juneau County WI Villages, Towns and Cities
Some of the towns are physically located in other counties but the postal service delivers to parts of Juneau County.
Camp Douglas Wisconsin
Cloverdale Wisconsin
Cutler WI 54618
Elroy WI 53929
Finley Wisconsin
Hillsboro WI 54634
Hustler Wisconsin
Kelly Wisconsin
Kendall WI 54638
La Valle WI 53941
Lemonweir Wisconsin
Lindina Wisconsin
Lone Rock Wisconsin
Lyndon Station WI 53944
Mather WI 54641
Mauston WI 53948
Meadow Valley Wisconsin
Necedah WI 54646
Nekoosa, WI. 54457 is located in the Port Edwards Township of Wood County on State Highway 73 between Wisconsin Rapids and Lake Petenwell. Its Post Office is based in Wood County...
New Lisbon WI 53950
New Miner Wisconsin
Orange Mill Wisconsin
Sprague Wisconsin
Tunnel Wisconsin
Union Center Wisconsin
Warrens WI 54666
Wisconsin Dells, WI. 53965 is located in both Sauk and Columbia Counties right on the Wisconsin River just south of Juneau & Adams County. The Wisconsin Dells post office delivers mail to all 4 counties; Adams, Juneau, Columbia and Sauk.
Wonewoc WI 53968
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Juneau County WI City, Towns & Villages Area Information, Lakes, Photo Galleries & Maps
Area Information - Wisconsin Communities - Wausahra County > Townships
Marquette County WI Villages, Towns and Cities
Some of the towns are physically located in other counties but the postal service delivers to parts of Marquette County.
Briggsville, WI. 53920 - is located in Township of Douglas in Marquette County. It is positioned in the southwest corner of the county right by Columbia County to the south and Adams County to the west. Known for Mason Lake...
Budsin Wisconsin
Buffalo Shores Estates Wisconsin
Coloma, WI. 54930 is located in the Coloma Township of Waushara County on State Highway 21 right by the I-39 / 51 interstate. The town is relatively small with a couple gas stations and small business but...
Featured Marquette County Real Estate – Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property
Dalton WI 53926
Endevor WI 53930
Germania Wisconsin
Glen Oaks Wisconsin
Harrisville Wisconsin
Lawerence Wisconsin
Markesan WI 53946
Mecan Wisconsin
Montello WI 53949
Neshkoro WI 54960
Oxford, WI. 53952 is located in Township of Oxford in Marquette County. It features limited shopping, School, Post Office, area Corporate Farm fields, Bank, Church, Bar, Cafe, Gas Station, Snowmobiling, local community Flea Market and a Park in the center of town... Its Post Office is based in Marquette County...
Packwaukee Wisconsin
Pardeeville WI 53954
Portage WI 53901
Princeton WI 54968
Springfield Corners Wisconsin
Wautoma WI 54982
Westfield, WI. 53964 - is located in the Township of Westfield in Marquette County... Its features in the area are the Marquette County Fairgrounds, Schools, Post Office, Interstate Access, Corporate Farm fields, Banks, Shopping, Churches, Bars, Restaurants, Gas Stations, Snowmobiling, Flea Market, Lawrence Lake, Lawrence Creek Trout Stream, Lawrence Creek SNA, Lawrence Creek Wildlife Area...
Real Estate for Sale - Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Condos for Sale | Multi-Family Housing | Commerial Properties
Marquette County WI City, Towns, Villages & Communities; Area Information, Lakes, Photo Galleries & Maps
Area Information - Wisconsin Communities - Wausahra County > Townships
Waushara County WI Villages, Towns and Cities
Some of the towns are physically located in other counties but the postal service delivers to parts of Waushara County.
Almond WI 54909 is located in Almond Township of Portage County
Auroraville Wisconsin is located in Aurora Township of Waushara County
Bancroft WI 54921 is located in Almond Township of Portage County on Cty W right by I-39 /51 between Plainfield and Plover just northwest of Almond. Its Post Office is based in Portage County...
Bannerman Wisconsin is located in Marion Township of Waushara County
Berlin WI 54923 is located in Berlin Township of Green Lake County
Borth Wisconsin is located in Poy Sippi Township of Waushara County
Brushville Wisconsin is located in Bloomfield Township of Waushara County
Coloma Corners Wisconsin is located in Coloma Township of Waushara County
Coloma WI 54930 is located in Coloma Township of Waushara County on State Highway 21 right by the I-39 / 51 interstate. The town is relatively small with a couple gas stations and small business but...
Dakota Wisconsin is located in Dakota Township of Waushara County
Fountain Valley Wisconsin is loccated in Poy Sippi Township of Waushara County
Fremont WI 54940 is located in Fermont Township of Waupaca County
Hancock WI 54943 is located in Hancock Township of Waushara County. It's on County Road V right on I-39/51 and the other main arteries for the area are County Road FF & GG. It's just west of the interstate between Plainfield and Coloma.
Heffron Wisconsin is located on the borders in Belmont Township of Portage County and Rose Township of Waushara County
Lohrville Wisconsin is located in Warren Township of Waushara County
Mount Morris Wisconsin is located in Mount Morris Township of Waushara County
Neshkoro WI 54960 is located in Neshkoro Township of Marquette County
Omro WI 54963 is located in Omro Township of Winnebago County
Pine River WI 54965 is located in Leon Township of Waushara County
Plainfield WI 54966 is located mostly in Plainfield Township and a little bit in Oasis Township of Waushara County on State Highway 73 right by I-39 /51 between Hancock and Bancroft.
Poy Sippi Wisconsin is located in Poy Sippi Township of Waushara County
Redgranite WI 54970 is located in Warren Township of Waushara County
Richford Wisconsin is located in Richford Township of Waushara County
Saxeville Wisconsin is located in Saxeville Township of Waushara County
Tustin Wisconsin is located in Bloomfield Township of Waushara County
Waupaca WI 54981 is located in Waupaca Township of Waupaca County
Wautoma WI 54982 is located in Wautoma Township of Waushara County
West Bloomfield Wisconsin is located in Bloomfield Township of Waushara County
Westfield WI 53964 is located in Westfield Township of Marquette County... Its features in the area are the Marquette County Fairgrounds, Schools, Post Office, Interstate Access, Corporate Farm fields, Banks, Shopping, Churches, Bars, Restaurants, Gas Stations, Snowmobiling, Flea Market...
Weyauwega WI 54983 is located in Weyauwega Township of Waupaca County
Wild Rose WI 54984 is located in on the borders of Rose Township of Waushara County and Springwater Township of Portage County.
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