Area Information > Wisconsin Public Land > Juneau County | Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Boghaunter Trail
Boghaunter Trails is located in the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge of Juneau County just outside of Necedah WI. The Boghauter Trail consists of 3 named trail loops; Meadow Beauty Loop 0.8 miles offering a level mowed hiking area, Boardwalk Loop 1.75 miles sets a hike through sedge meadow plus prairie lands and finally Tamarack Loop 3.6 miles features a winding hike through several wildlife habitats, marshes and forests. Boghaunter Trail was named after the Ringed Boghaunter Dragonfly which is in the Emerald family. These dragonflies start out as a nymph then grow into an adult about 1.8 inches with a dark brown body, grayish blue eyes with a brownish orange head. They can be found flying around the Wildlife Refuge in late spring about May & June.
Trail Loops – Grasslands, Marsh Savanna, Water plus Pine & Oak Forest
- Meadow Beauty Loop - 0.8 miles
- Boardwalk Loop - 1.75 miles
- Tamarack Loop - 3.6 miles
Main Page – Visitors Center | Visitors Center Trail | Suk Cernery Flowage | Sprague Mather Flowage | Observation Tower | Observation Tower Trail | Lupine Loop Trail | Observation Deck | Harvey’s Pond | Sprague Flowage | Goose Pool | Park Entrance | Boghauter Trail | White – Trail Loop | Refuge Area | Wildlife | Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Photo Gallery | MAP
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Types of Wisconsin Wildlife & Animals that can be found hiking the Boghaunter Loops!
- White-Tail Deer
- Eastern Wildlife Turkey
- Black Bear
- Beaver
- Musk Rats
- Coyotes
- Timber Wolves
- Badgers
- River Otters
- Fishers
- Squirrels
- Chipmunks
Birds, Waterfowl, Hawks, Eagles, Cranes and Birds of Prey
- Eastern Wildlife Turkey
- Canadian Geese
- Great Blue Heron
- Ducks
- Pelicans
- Whooping Cranes
- Sandhill Cranes
- Bald Eagles
- Wood Peckers
- Cooper’s Hawk
- Black Tern
- Song Birds
- Robins
- Ring Necked Ducks
- Mallard Ducks
- American Wigeon
- Redhead
- Cardinals
- Turkey Vultures
- Osprey
- Northern Harrier
- Barred Owl
- Golden Eagle
- Red-Tailed Hawk
- American Kestrel
- Bobolink
Reptiles, Amphibians & Insects
- Turtles
- Frogs
- Toads
- Snakes
- Karner Blue Butterfly
- Monarch Butterflies
- Ringed Boghaurnter Dragonfly
- Five Lined Skink
- Green Darner
- Milk Snake
- Water Scopion
- Brown Bats
- Garden Snakes
- Pine Snakes
- Snapping Turtle
- Pained Turtle
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge is located in Necedah Township, Kingston Township, Cutler Township, and Finley Township of Juneau County just west of Necedah, WI. 54646. The refuge is a little under 70 square miles of wildlife habitat with 6 Trails, several named bodies of water including: Goose Pool, Sprague Pool, Harvey Pond, Suk Flowage, Cerney Flowage, Mather Flowage, Yellow River, Rynearson Flowage and more… Hiking, Hunting and Fishing is allowed in certain areas, certain times of the year so check with the Necedah Wildlife Visitors Center located on Headquarters Road. Not too far from the wildlife area is WI’s 2nd & 4th largest inland bodies of water Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lake both part of the Wisconsin River Flowage System.
WI Cabins & Homes for Sale Nearby the Refuge
Wisconsin Land & Acreage for Sale Nearby the Refuge
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
N11385 Headquarters Road
Necedah, WI 54646
(608) 565-3160 fax
Necedah Wildlife Refuge, Wisconsin