Area Information > Wisconsin Public Land > Juneau County | Buckhorn State Park
Buckhorn State Park WI Hunters Parking
Buckhorn State Park is open to hunting and trapping and is located in Germantown Township of Juneau County, Central Wisconsin on both Castle Rock Lake and the Yellow River. The park consists of about 6,000 acres of outdoor haven offering a little bit for everyone including the local Wisconsin Wildlife. There’s lot of outdoor photography opportunities and nature experiences to have if its camping, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, boating, swimming, fishing, backpacking, picnicking or just sitting back and watching the natural world go by. The state park includes miles of frontage and several boat launches offering tons of water activities on the Yellow River and Castle Rock Lake part of the Wisconsin Flowage system.
Buckhorn State Park Hunting
Wisconsin State Park Hunting & Trapping-
WI Trapping & Hunting Regulations, Seasons and Hours -
Always practice proper handling of firearms and have a happy, safe hunting trip.
Main Page | Office Entrance | Beach | Camping | Barrens | Canoe Launch | Hunters Parking | Fishing Pond | Sandblow Vista | Wildlife Observation Blind | PHOTO GALLERY | MAP
Photos and Pictures of Hunting Areas
Central Wisconsin Hunting
What types of WI Wildlife can be found in Buckhorn State Park and surrounding areas?
- Wisconsin Whitetail Deer
- Eastern Wildlife Turkey
- Squirrels
- Wolves
- Coyotes
- Rabbits
- Raccoons
- Red Fox
- Bald Eagles
- Canadian Geese
- Great Blue Herons
- Owls
- Sand Hill Cranes
- Turkey Vultures
- Song Birds
- And Much Much More...
Castle Rock Lake Hunting
Printable Maps & Information:
- Buckhorn State Park and Yellow River Wildlife Area Map
- Park Locations Map
- Park Wildlife Area Map
- Hunting Trapping Map
- Park & Barrens Location Map
- Map 1
- Map 2
Buckhorn State Park Deer Hunting
Specific Location of the Park:
Buckhorn State Park, Buckhorn Wildlife Area & Yellow River Wildlife Area are located in T.17.N-R.4E. in Sections 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 26, & 27 of Germantown Township, Juneau County, WI. Plus there is about 185 Acres in Necedah Township, Sections 31 & 32. This is where the Yellow River flows in to Buckhorn State Park before in enters Castle Rock Flowage.
Other Area Public Land in Wisconsin
- Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
- Yellow River Wildlife Area
- Quincy Bluff And Wetland Natural Area (Adams County)
- Meadow Valley Wildlife Area
- Castle Rock Lake County Park
- Petenwell Rock
- Kenneday Park
Wisconsin Land & Acreage for Sale close to the Park
Hunt Buckhorn
Buckhorn State Park Contact Info
W8450 Buckhorn Park Ave.
Necedah WI 54646-7338
Phone (608) 565-2789
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