Central Wisconsin Real Estate for Sale

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Buffalo Lake Wisconsin County Road C North Boat Landing

Buffalo Lake County Road C Boat Landing is located in the middle of the lake on the north shoreline which has a large parking lot with the boat ramp, dock, bag limit signage.   This parking area also gives access to Buffalo Lake Hiking Trail with Historical Kiosk where the trail head is located.

Buffalo Lake is located mostly in Packwaukee Township but Montello and West Buffalo Townships as well in Marquette County of Central Wisconsin by Endeavor, Packwaukee, Montello WI.  The lake is about 2179 acres with a max depth of 8 feet with mostly a muck bottom with some sand.  This is a flowage of the Fox River Green Bay Tributary which flows northeast which is very rare; only about 3 dozen river flow north in the world.  There's are four boat launches one by the Montello Dam on the east end of the lake, another on north side in middle of the on County Road C, the boat ramp on the south side by Packwaukee on County Road D and the final boat landing by Endeavor at the very south end.  Buffalo Lake is more like a wide river then a typical lake; it's about 10+ miles long but only about 1/3 of a mile wide.

Buffalo Lake | North Launch Cty C | South Launch by Packwaukee |Fox River Green Bay Tributary Page Creek Marsh | Page Creek | Marquette CountyPackwaukee WI | Montello WI

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Buffalo Lake is mostly considered a fishing lake which is very weedy do to the average depth is only 5 feet.   Because the max depth is only 8 feet deep the lake is susceptible to mass fish die offs from extreme heat and or cold.


Buffalo Lake WI

Buffalo Lakehouses for Sale

Buffalo Lakefront Lots for Sale

Boat Landing

Hiking Trail

Historical Kiosk

Marquette County

Buffalo Lake Central WIsconsin

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Landman Realty llc | Central Wisconsin Real Estate for Sale - WI Homes, Houses, Cabins, Land, Lots, Acreage, Commercial Properties, Farms, Condos, Waterfront, Deeded Access and more... - (Registered Nov 26, 1997)

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