Central Wisconsin Real Estate for Sale
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Landman Realty llc are proudly serves most of Central WI including Adams County, Juneau, Waushara, & Marquette Counties, and are proud members of the South Central MLS plus having access to the Central Wisconsin MLS giving us full access to almost all of Central WI properties for your real estate needs. Landman Realty handles land for sale, waterfront properties, commercial / investment property, vacation log homes & cabins and even rentals. That include areas around Wisconsin's 2nd & 4th largest bodies of water Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lakealso WI Dells. We also list and sell Wisconsin Hunting Land!
Landman Realty - NOW HIRING! - Looking for 2 Experienced Agents
Wisconsin Land for SaleCall 608-339-8030
Just Reduced from $59,900. to $49,900.
WI Cabin for Sale$42,900.
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