Area Information > Wisconsin Public Land
Juneau County WI Public Land
For PRIVATE LAND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: Because these types of properties continually change you will need to contact the local WI DNR office for an updated list regularly.
Some of these areas are Fishing Grounds, Hunting Land, Remnants, Wildlife Areas, SNA - State Natural Areas and others are Wildlife Refuges.
Juneau County Wisconsin
- Bass Hollow County Recreation Area
- Buckhorn Barrens SNA
- Buckhorn State Park
- Buckhorn Wildlife Area
- Castle Rock County Park - Juneau County Side of Castle Rock Lake
- Castle Rock Lake Dam Public Access
- County Land open to the Public
- Cranberry Creek Mound Group SNA
- Dells of The Wisconsin River Natural Area located in Dell Prairie Township with about 650 acres on the Wisconsin River in mostly 2 locations...
- Eagle Nest Flowage Public Access
- Elroy - Sparta State Trail
- Hulburt Creek Fishery Area
- Kennedy County Park
- Lemonweir Bottomland Hardwood Forest SNA
- Mill Bluff State Park IANSR
- Meadow Valley Wildlife Area (Necedah National Wildlife Refuge)
- Necedah National Wildlife Refuge - is located in Necedah Township, Kingston Township, Cutler Township, and Finley Township of Juneau County just west of Necedah, WI. 54646.
- Necedah Oak-Pine Forest - Part of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
- Necedah Oak-Pine Savanna - Part of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
- Necedah Station
- Petenwell Rock
- Petenwell Wilderness Park
- REM-Brewer Creek
- REM-Little Lemonweir River
- Rocky Arbor State Park
- THE 400 State Trail
- Yellow River Oxbows SNA
- Yellow River Wildlife Area
- Wood County Wildlife Area