Area Information > Wisconsin Public Land > Juneau County | Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Sprague Mather Flowage
Sprague-Mather Flowage is located in the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge next to Goose Pool also known as Sprague Pool. According to the WI DNR website Sprague-Marther Flowage is about 810 acres of water; a max depth of 9 feet the bottom is mostly sand with a little muck. These bodies of water are home to Northern Pike, Largemouth Bass, Brown Bullheads, Pumpkinseed, Blue Gill, Yellow Perch, Crappie and other Panfish. Sprague-Mather Flowage is open to non-motorized boating and fishing during certain times of the year; check with the Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center for Details. Goose / Sprague Flowages along Bewick Road is loaded with birds of all kinds including; Bald Eagles, Canadian Geese, Sand Hill Cranes, Seagulls, Whopping Cranes, Pelicans, Great Blue Herons, Ducks Song Birds and other shoreline birds and waterfowl.
Necedah Wildlife Refuge
Main Page – Visitors Center | Visitors Center Trail | Suk Cernery Flowage | Sprague Mather Flowage | Observation Tower | Observation Tower Trail | Lupine Loop Trail | Observation Deck | Harvey’s Pond | Sprague Flowage | Goose Pool | Park Entrance | Boghauter Trail | White – Trail Loop | Refuge Area | Wildlife | Homes & Cabins | Land & Acreage | Photo Gallery | MAP
Sprague Mather Flowage Photos
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge is located in Necedah Township, Kingston Township, Cutler Township, and Finley Township of Juneau County just west of Necedah, WI. 54646. The refuge is a little under 70 square miles of wildlife habitat with 6 Trails, several named bodies of water including: Goose Pool, Sprague Pool, Harvey Pond, Suk Flowage, Cerney Flowage, Mather Flowage, Yellow River, Rynearson Flowage and more… Hiking, Hunting and Fishing is allowed in certain areas, certain times of the year so check with the Necedah Wildlife Visitors Center located on Headquarters Road. Not too far from the wildlife area is WI’s 2nd & 4th largest inland bodies of water Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lake both part of the Wisconsin River Flowage System.
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
- Northern Pike
- Largemouth Bass
- Pumpkin Seed
- Bluegill
- Yellow Perch
- Crappies
- Brown Bullheads
Sprague Mather Lake
Key Areas of the Refuge
- Visitors Center
- Observation Tower
- Photo Blind
- Observation Areas
- Restrooms
- Boat Launches
- Goose Pool
- Sprague Pool
- Rynerson Pool #1 & #2
- Suk Cerney Flowage
- Harvey’s Pond
- Boghaunter Trail .8 miles & 3.6 miles
- Harvey’s Pond Trail .7miles
- Lupine Loop .8 miles
- Observation Tower Trail 1 mile
- Visitor Center Trail 1 mile
Birds, Waterfowl, Hawks, Eagles, Cranes and Birds of Prey
- Eastern Wildlife Turkey
- Canadian Geese
- Great Blue Heron
- Ducks
- Pelicans
- Whooping Cranes
- Sandhill Cranes
- Bald Eagles
- Wood Peckers
- Cooper’s Hawk
- Black Tern
- Song Birds
- Robins
- Ring Necked Ducks
- Mallard Ducks
- American Wigeon
- Redhead
- Cardinals
- Turkey Vultures
- Osprey
- Northern Harrier
- Barred Owl
- Golden Eagle
- Red-Tailed Hawk
- American Kestrel
- Bobolink
Reptiles, Amphibians & Insects
- Turtles
- Frogs
- Toads
- Snakes
- Karner Blue Butterfly
- Monarch Butterflies
- Ringed Boghaurnter Dragonfly
- Five Lined Skink
- Green Darner
- Milk Snake
- Water Scopion
- Brown Bats
- Garden Snakes
- Pine Snakes
- Snapping Turtle
- Painted Turtle
Wildlife Refuge
Other Area Public Land in Wisconsin
- Buckhorn State Park
- Sandhill State Wildlife Area
- Meadow Valley Barrens State Natural Area
- Yellow River Oxbows State Natural Area
- Yellow River State Wildlife Area
- Suk Cerney Peatlands State Natural Area
- Blueberry Trail
- Cranberry Creek Mound Group State Natural Area
- Mill Bluff State Park
- Necedah Pine-Oak Forest State Natural Area
WI Cabins & Homes for Sale Nearby the Refuge
Wisconsin Land & Acreage for Sale Nearby the Refuge