Area Information
Wisconsin Public Land
[ Search by County - Adams | Juneau | Marquette | Portage | Sauk | Waushara | Wood ]
For PRIVATE LAND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: Because these types of properties continually change you will need to contact the local WI DNR office for an updated list regularly.
Public land, wildlife areas, fisheries and state natural areas are important components of our environment that serve various purposes. These designated spaces provide habitats for a wide range of plant and animal species, offer recreational opportunities for the public, support sustainable fishing practices, and help preserve the natural beauty of our landscapes. Whether it's a protected wilderness area or a managed fishery zone, these spaces play an essential role in maintaining ecological balance and promoting conservation efforts. In this article, we will explore the significance of public land, wildlife areas, fisheries and state natural areas in preserving biodiversity and supporting outdoor activities for people to enjoy.
Some of these areas are Fishing Grounds, Hunting Land, Remnants, Wildlife Areas, SNA - State Natural Areas and others are Wildlife Refuges.
Adams County, WI.
Castle Rock County Park located in Quincy Township on Castle Rock Lake featuring camping, boat launch, beach, etc…
Castle Rock Horse Trails -
Colburn Wildlife Area located in Colburn Township which is about 5,000 acres open to the public for hunting, foraging, hiking and more...
Dells of The Wisconsin River Natural Area located in Dell Prairie Township with about 650 acres on the Wisconsin River in mostly 2 locations...
East Dike Walking Trail on Castle Rock Lake
Easton Pond County Park located in Easton Township on Easton Lake mostly just a boat ramp onto the lake with some parking…
Fordam Creek Remnant -
Friendship Lake - 115 acres fishing and boating lake just north of Friendship WI.
Friendship Park - Features playground equipment, picnic pavilion, Little Roche-A-Cri Creek Trout Stream, volleyball courts, barbecue grills and more....
Jordan Lake County Park -
Lakes in Adams County, WI - here you'll find a list of all the lakes in Adams Cty including Lake Petenwell, Castle Rock Lake, Mason, Easton, Patrick and more...
Lake Arrowhead County Park
Lake Camelot County Park
Lake Mason County Park
Lawrence Creek SNA (State Natural Area Program) - Area to help protect Lawrence Creek Brook Trout Stream Class 1 waters...
Mason Lake County Park -
Monroe Town Park located in Monroe Township on Lake Petenwell which has a pavilion and small fishing boat launch…
Monroe Prairie Recreation Area -
Parker Lake County Park / Wayside
Patrick Lake County Park located in New Chester Township on Patrick Lake it’s about 15 acres in size with a playground, beach, boat ramp, etc…
Petenwell County Park located in Monroe Township on Lake Petenwell featuring camping, boat launch, beach, etc…
Rabbit Rock Wayside –
Roche-A-Cri Natural Area -
Roche-A-Cri State Park -
Shiprock Wayside -
Van Kuren Trails by Lake Petenwell -
Wisconsin River Wayside & Boat Launch
State Natural Areas | Wildlife Areas | State Parks
Clark County
Lake Sherwood County Park –
County Parks | Nature Preserves | Fishery Areas
Columbia County
Dells of The Wisconsin River Natural Area located in Dell Prairie Township with about 650 acres on the Wisconsin River in mostly 2 locations...
Juneau County Wisconsin
Bass Hollow County Recreation Area
Buckhorn Barrens SNA
Buckhorn Wildlife Area
Castle Rock County Park - Juneau County Side of Castle Rock Lake
Castle Rock Lake Dam Public Access
County Land open to the Public
Cranberry Creek Mound Group SNA
Dells of The Wisconsin River Natural Area located in Dell Prairie Township with about 650 acres on the Wisconsin River in mostly 2 locations...
Eagle Nest Flowage Public Access
Elroy - Sparta State Trail
Hulburt Creek Fishery Area
Kennedy County Park
Lemonweir Bottomland Hardwood Forest SNA
Mill Bluff State Park IANSR
Meadow Valley Wildlife Area (Necedah National Wildlife Refuge)
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge - is located in Necedah Township, Kingston Township, Cutler Township, and Finley Township of Juneau County just west of Necedah, WI. 54646.
Necedah Oak-Pine Forest - Part of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Necedah Oak-Pine Savanna - Part of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
Necedah Station
Petenwell Rock
Petenwell Wilderness Park
REM-Brewer Creek
REM-Little Lemonweir River
Rocky Arbor State Park
THE 400 State Trail
Yellow River Oxbows SNA
Yellow River Wildlife Area
Wood County Wildlife Area
Rock Formations | Public Areas | Hunting Land
Marquette County
Caves Creek Fishery Area -
Duffy's Marsh Waterfowl Production Area
French Creek Wildlife Area
Fox River National Wildlife Refuge
Germania Wildlife Area
Grand River Marsh Wildlife Area
John A Lawton Fishery Area
Lawrence Creek SNA (State Natural Area Program) - Area to help protect Lawrence Creek Brook Trout Stream Class 1 waters...
Mecan River Fishery Area -
REM- Laing Creek
Upper Fox Headwaters SNA (State Natural Area Program) -
Upper Fox River Public Access
White River Marsh Wildlife Area
Headwaters SNA | Remnants | Refuge Areas
Sauk County
Bakken's Pond SNA
Baraboo Hills Recreation Area
Bear Creek Fishery Area
Dell Creek Wildlife Area
Dells of The Wisconsin River Natural Area located in Dell Prairie Township with about 650 acres on the Wisconsin River in mostly 2 locations...
Devils Lake State Park IANSR
Fern Dell Gorge State Natural Area
Ferry Bluff State Natrual Area
Hulburt Creek Fishery Area
Hulburt Creek Woods State Natural Area
Ice Age Trail System
Lower Wisconsin State Riverway
Mirror Lake Pine Oak Forest State Natural Area
Mirror Lake State Park
Natural Bridge State Park
Parfreys Glen Natural Area
Pine Island Wildlife Area
Plain Honey Creek Watershed
REM- Leech Creek
Rocky Arbor State Park
Sauk Prairie Recreation Area
THE 400 State Trail
Waushara County
Bass Lake FEN State Natural Area
Bohn Lake Ice Age Trail -
Big Roche-A-Cri Fishery Area
Carter Creek Remnant -
Coloma Park - Home of Chicken Chew featuring playground equipment, tennis courts, baseball diamond, restrooms and more...
Greenwood Wildlife Area – is about 1440 acres and is located in Hancock Township of Waushara County, Central Wisconsin. This Area is quite large and is mostly...
Ice Age Trail System
John Lawton Fishery Area -
Lunch Creek Wetlands SNA (State Natural Area Program) -
Mecan Springs SNA (State Natural Area Program)
Mecan River Fishery Area
Mecan River Fisher Ice Age Trail –
Pine River System Fishery Area
Plainfield Tunnel Channel Lakes SNA
REM-Little Silver Creek
REM-Thorstead Creek
Upper Fox Headwaters SNA (State Natural Area Program) -
White River Fishery Area
Wilcox Waterfowl Production Area
Wild Rose Hatchery
Lakes | Trails | Wetlands | Forests | Preserves
Wood County
Auburndale Transmitter Site ?
Central Wisconsin Grassland Conservation Area
County Land Open to Public Access
Sandhill Wildlife Area
Mead Wildlife Area
Meadow Valley Wildlife Area
Paul Olson Wildlife Area
Wood County Wildlife Area
Watersheds | State Parks | State Trails | Recreational Areas
What is a Remnant Creek?
Wisconsin Public Hunting Land & Fishery Areas